Sharpen Your Skill in the Biblical Worldview

Increase knowledge of your Creator and His design for you, strengthen your walk, and develop the tools to help others grow – we call that transformative learning and leadership.

Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you,

with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another…” Colossians 3:16a

Discover an Education that Fits You

Whether you want to enhance your growth through a degree program, earn a certification to enhance your service and leadership skills, or simply take classes for personal enrichment, Agathon UAF has an educational path that fits you.

Learn Fully Online and at Your Own Pace

Agathon UAF courses are fully online, and can be completed in as little as 4 weeks or as many as 16. Learn and grow at a pace that fits your current context and priorities. Learning should be an ongoing part of your life, not an interruption.

Learn Starting at $78 Per Credit Hour (Undergrad)

In whatever program you choose, Agathon UAF is committed to being unbelievably affordable.

Despite ever-increasing inflation, we still believe that high quality Biblical education should be affordable for everyone.

learn. grow. inspire.