Program Description

Agathon UAF’s 60 Hr Doctor Of Education in Applied Faith (60 Hr EdD) in Applied Faith equips experienced faith-based educators and leaders for individual, organizational, and system-level transformative leadership in applied faith contexts. The 60 Hr EdD prepares Learners through intensive, systematic, interdisciplinary worldview-based practice and assessment.


Credit Hours


Per Credit Hour


Per Course


Per Month

(30 Monthly Payments)


Total Tuition Cost

Not Including Books

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. To equip Learners, as experienced educators and leaders, for individual, organizational, and system-level transformative leadership in applied faith contexts.
  2. To enhance Learners’ focus on Biblical worldview-based theory, practice, and assessment.
  3. To prepare Learners for various special, diverse, innovative learning and leadership in applied faith contexts.
  4. To produce Learners’ aptitude for multidimensional analysis, critical thought, and the synthesizing of transformative learning and leadership principles.

Degree Planner and Course List

Interdisciplinary Theory and Research Core – (15 Hours)

PHIL7101 Comparative Worldview and Systems of Interdisciplinary Thought

LANG7101 Languages for Transformative Research

PHIL7301 Hermeneutics in Transformative Literature

PHIL7303 Models of Learning and Leadership in Transformative Literature

EDUC7501 Applied Research Concepts and Method

Transformative Learning Core – (18 Hours)

INTR7101 Advanced Learning Theory

EDUC7103 Transformational Curriculum Design and Pedagogy

PHIL7501 Systems of Philosophical and Theological Thought

INTR7701 Diversity, Special Needs, and Multicultural Contexts for Learning

EDUC7707 Learning Technologies

EDUC7901 Specialized Competencies in Transformative Learning


Transformative Leadership Core – (18 Hours)

INTR7303 Conflict Resolution and Counseling

EDUC7703 Organizational Leadership

EDUC7705 Strategic Planning and Assessment

EDUC7709 Financial Management and Oversight

EDUC7711 Trends in Educational Leadership Disruption

EDUC7903 Specialized Competencies in Transformative Leadership

Dissertation – (9 Hours)

DISS8101 Dissertation I

DISS8103 Dissertation II

DISS8105 Dissertation III