Program Description
Agathon UAF’s 60 Hr Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Exegesis and Praxis (60 Hr PhD) equips experienced faith-based educators and leaders for research, praxis, and teaching in Biblical exegesis and applications, to advance understanding and contribution to Transformative Learning and Leadership models and applications of faith.
Credit Hours
Per Credit Hour
Per Course
Per Month
(30 Monthly Payments)
Total Tuition Cost
Not Including Books
Program Learning Outcomes
- To equip Learners for advanced Biblical research in the original languages for the furtherance of the field of Biblical studies.
- To enhance application of Biblical worldview-based hermeneutic and exegetical principles for personal transformative learning growth.
- To produce advanced capabilities for interdisciplinary understanding of Biblical worldview impact.
- To develop excellent skills for transforming education and leadership through Biblical praxis.
Degree Planner and Course List
Interdisciplinary Theory and Research Core – (15 Hours)
PHIL7101 Comparative Worldview and Systems of Interdisciplinary Thought
LANG7101 Languages for Transformative Research
PHIL7301 Hermeneutics in Transformative Literature
EDUC7501 Applied Research Concepts and Method
PHIL7501 Systems of Philosophical and Theological Thought
Biblical Exegesis Core – (21 Hours)
BIBL7301 Issues in Hermeneutic and Exegetical Methods
BIBL7511 Worldview Premises for Transformative Learning and Leadership (Analysis of Genesis)
BIBL7517 Worldview Premises for Transformative Learning and Leadership (Analysis of Matthew)
BIBL7537 Worldview Premises for Transformative Learning and Leadership (Analysis of Romans)
BIBL7370 First-Century Prophetic Literature: (Analysis of the Book of Revelation)
BIBL7701 Advanced Biblical Exegesis Competency I
BIBL7703 Advanced Biblical Exegesis Competency II
Biblical Praxis Core – (15 Hours)
PHIL7303 Models of Learning and Leadership in Transformative Literature
BIBL7401 Exegesis to Exposition
THEO7501 Comparative Systems of Applied Faith I – Dispensational and Covenantal Thought
THEO7503 Comparative Systems of Applied Faith II – Grace Oriented and Reformed Models of Salvation and Sanctification
THEO7701 Advanced Issues in Ethics and Socio-Political Praxis
Dissertation – (9 Hours)
DISS8101 Dissertation I
DISS8103 Dissertation II
DISS8105 Dissertation III