The President is the Chief Executive Officer, sharing non-controlling ownership interest, and appointed by ownership of Agathon U.
The President is advised by the Advisory Board (appointed by the President), and provides oversight of Agathon U through the Executive Faculty, who are the Executive Leadership Council (Vice Presidents and Directors), and who share non-controlling ownership interest in Agathon U.
The Executive Faculty collaborates in developing, empowering, executing, and assessingAgathon U’sstrategies, programs, and operations.
TheFaculty, who serve as (non-employee) contractorsalsoprovidekey leadership forAgathon Uas volunteer members ofAgathon U’sAcademic Leadership Council (ALC), which collaborates on program and curriculum development, delivery, and assessment.
II. Presidential Appointment, Assessment, and Succession
A. Presidential Appointment and Succession
When there is an announced or unannounced vacancy in the Presidency, candidates for President shall be recommended to ownership by the Executive Leadership Council. The President shall be appointed (and dismissed if necessary, and at any time necessary) by ownership. If ownership does not follow the recommendation of the Executive Leadership Council, in making the Presidential appointment, ownership must submit specific reasons in writing to the Executive Leadership Council upon or before public announcement of the appointment.
B. Presidential Assessment
Upon every third year the President shall be assessed by the Executive Leadership Council, with input from the Faculty. The assessment will be submitted directly to ownership and will include the ELC’s recommendation to ownership whether the President should be reetained or not, and if the recommendation is retention, the recommendation should be accompanied by recommendations for areas of improvement in the President’s leadership.
If ownership does not follow the recommendation of the Executive Leadership Council regarding the retention or removal of the President, ownership must submit specific reasons in writing to the Executive Leadership Council upon or before public announcement of the retention or removal.